Hi all,
I haven't visited my blog in months. I joined a Psoriasis Survivor page on FB but haven't don't much else. I was so happy to come here today to read several posts from people who said they were inspired by my blog with the pictures.
I want to let you know I am still clear but I do have a dime size spot on my shin. I know my diet has not been the best - too much sugar and too much stress. But I will just get it cleaned up.
I still take my probiotics and vitamins and try not to overdo any of the bad stuff but I know I fell off the wagon.
My daughter's arms that had the eczema is completely cleared and beautiful. Misery loves company and I like having someone else at home that insists on a salad when everyone else goes for pizza and soda. We still eat that stuff - but as an occasional treat, not standard fare..
I know some people asked for my email address so they can ask me more questions - but I have 3 email addresses that all have unread messages. Please just ask on this blog - chances are someone else has the same question.
I will do a better job of visiting and responding.
Take care of yourselves!