Monday, May 13, 2013

How do you know if you have psoriasis, really?

Seriously, how do you know you really have psoriasis?
I had a skin biopsy last February and a week later my dermatologist called me and said, "the lab says the biopsy is consistant with psoriasis".
  I said, "so I have psoriasis?"
  She said, "it seems consistant to psoriasis."

  Well since I am seeing an holistic doctor on Thursday I figured I would look up my test results to get accurate on dates and stuff.  All of this information is put on line.  When I looked at my "derm biopsy" in February the prognosis said, "Dyshidrotic eczema".  Why does it say eczema if my doctor told me psoriasis.  I called my doctor and left this question on her voicemail and I have yet to get a call back. 

Further more, if look up Dyshidrotic Eczema it says a lot about nickel allergies being a trigger. Further further more, the foods that I have been eating on the Pagano diet are actually high in NICKEL!!

I learned about Dyshidrotic eczema while I was home soaking my feet in Aveeno oatmeal bath because my feet were on fire all weekend and all last night. Guess what? Oatmeal is high in nickel. LOL!

I quicky rinsed my feet off and I am using a new cream called Miracle  Foot Repair which is actually quite soothing.  The glycerin seemed to keep my skin soft but I found it to be irratating at times. I tried cocnut oil but it didnt really soothe. I tried peanut and olive oil but it was too thin and too ineffective.

I found a great article called, "Healthful Eating's Dark Side: Nickel Allergy"

OK so what? If I indeed have eczema due to a nickel reaction this should be super simple to fix.  But I need to start all over again.  I will wait to get some confirmations from my derm and my holistic dude.

But what is the lesson learned? Never give up and keep researching your symptoms.

Also, at 3 AM my feet were on fire and I couldn't sleep.  So what did I do? I googled beautiful feet and looked at over 200 images of beautiful feet and I saved them on my iPad. I flip through those pictures and say to myself, my feet are going to look like those by June.

Today my feet feel a lot better. :) Tomorrow they will look a lot better and I will put the pictures up.

Mental toughness is so important.

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