Monday, May 26, 2014

May is almost over - and I am still doing great

Hi all,  my skin looks the same, clear every where except for one little spot on my right foot. I am taking different supplements. The ones to repair my kidney didn't really clear up the one spot. I went back to my holistic doctor and he is now worried about my stress level.  I dont feel stressed, but I do notice that I have been sleeping poorly at night. My mind just races on random topics.  If these supplements help I will list them out for you guys.

In the meantime I still loosely follow the Pagano diet. I eat organic. Fruit smoothies in morning for breakfast. Lunch is usually a salad. Dinner will rarely have nightshades or red meat. Sometimes I juice veggies like kale and carrots and beets. I will have a glass of wine or beer 1-3x a week.

My skin is great. But I do want to get rid of this last one little spot. I am confident I will soon.

Also I started (9 weeks ago)  an exercise class called the bar method. It is super hard but gives amazing results. :) pics to come in a few weeks. ( I would send pics now but still laying in bed with iPad and too lazy to get up.  :).  Happy Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Hello, I am so happy to find your blog. I've been reading through your posts for a few days now and find them helpful. I have just started the diet about a week or so ago. I have a question. Do you know if walnuts are acceptable? Dr. Pagano suggests about five but no more than 12 almonds a day. He also suggests avoiding peanuts and hazelnuts but I'm not sure about walnuts.

  2. Sorry for late reply. I think nickel is an issue for me. Walnuts may be high in nickel so you may just want to use in moderation. How is it going?

  3. Hi Michele, I love your blog. Would you mind speaking through email?

  4. Hi Michele,
    Its Please send me a quick email and I will reply shortly.
