Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer is here... Are you ready?

Hi all,
Just a quick note to tell you my skin is still doing great. If you are considering taking meds, try going natural for 6 months first. If you are already taking meds, see if you can change your diet and ween yourself off.

I did the steroidal creams for a while, I think it made me better in short spurts but the weening process caused flares.

All good now. Let me know how you are doing.


  1. Hi Michele!
    I am right around 2 months into trying this. My husband says my feet look better than they did and I feel great (I've lost almost 14 pounds, which I really needed to do anyway). I appreciate the fact that you wrote this blog. It is giving me hope and making me remember to be patient as it seems it took months for you to finally clear. I think I have a pretty good handle on the food aspect, right now I'm trying to deal with stress better as I really think that is what triggers this for me. My feet look almost like yours did when you started this. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks. I'm trying to be patient...

    1. Hi Portia!
      I am so glad people are still finding my blog and are benefiting from it. Looks like you started in Sept, how is it going.
      I am still clear and very thankful. I am not on my restrictive diet any more and as a result i put on a few pounds, but I am going to try to lose a few now that the new year is here and the holidays are over.
      I will check my blog more often to check in on you.

  2. Hello Michele, I have just read your blog thoroughly as my 18 yr old son has recently developed psoriasis on his arm, back, chest and scalp. We have tried steroids, but they were useless - his p came back worse than ever! So we are trying the P diet, in as good a fashion as we can when he is a teenager. Can I ask which probiotic you used, as my son is not yet taking tablets!
    He is only 2 weeks in, so far, and the plaques seem flatter already, but I know the chances are things will get worse before they get better. I hope it all works for him.
    Thanks for spending time on the blog. All the information and photos have been useful to read.
    Thanks, I hope you keep well.

    1. hi!
      I am so sorry I didn't respond sooner. I wanted to let you know that the type of probiotics shouldn't really matter. I do like the Mediclear detox which I also wrote about. it isn't a probiotic but once you get your diet under control I found it helped detox me gently.
      i hope your son gets better.
      I am still clear but I notice if I start eating and drinking too many bad things, the old psoriasis spots feel tingly. a rash hasn't reappeared though. I just take it as a sign that i need to get back on wagon.
      let me know how he does.
