Sunday, April 7, 2013

East meets West - March 29

At this point I have received and read Dr Pagano's book.

I had made an appointment with a rheumatologist per my GP's recommendation when I asked her if it was possible that Psoriasis and joint pain were linked.
It took a while to get this appointment and I actually thought of canceling it considering my hip feels better.  But I went because perhaps she can help me order some blood tests.

She offered me a cortisone shot for my pain.  I told her I really was no longer in pain, but wanted to know how to deal with Psoriasis that often comes linked with joint pain.  She handed me a brochure for Humira.  I told her I wasn't interested in more meds just yet as I was trying to change my diet.  But could she please order some blood tests so I can check:
·  heavy metals
·  ph levels
·  vitamins/mineral levels
·  iodine
She said she would order the kidney and liver tests but not the iodine or heavy metals because she wouldn't feel comfortable reading the results. I kept my cool but said the following:

"I understand and respect that, but why is it you have no problem offering prescription drugs with known side effects, but can't check a box for the lab to test, because you may not understand the results?"

With that she got defensive and said, "if you want to go the holistic way, that is your choice, but I can't help you."

Two hours later, I had an appointment with Fred Hsu for a high colonic, a procedure that Dr Pagano recommends to help clean out your toxins.  Trust me I was skeptical but after the brick wall I got with the rheumatologist, I figured if I am going to make this work, then I got to go all in.

So I got up on the table and hosed out my large intestine for about 40 minutes.  I've heard that people feel better, lighter, after a colonic.  For me I felt the same. Later that evening I started to get some mild headaches.

But if you are in the area I do recommend my colon guy.

Fred, “the healer” has an amazing story about how he changed his life and his health around but following the "Gerson Diet". This is a diet designed for people with all sorts of life threatening diseases, especially cancer.  This struck a cord with me because I have a friend who is currently battling brain cancer.  The Gerson diet is like the Pagano diet on steroids!
Think raw vegan with coffee enemas.
If you look into this diet and surf the web you will find many testimonials from cancer patients that got well after western doctors sent them home to die.
There is a lot of conspiracy here. Western doctors are not allowed to practice this method, if they do they will have their license taken away.  Therefore there are many clinics on the other side of the Mexican border.
I couldn't help but see some truth in this after my own experience with my rheumatologist who dismissed me for wanting to go a more holistic approach.

Question: Do you think the American culture has become to dependant on the Pharmaceutical industry? Do you think we are addicted to a fix that is going to let us live the way we want to live? Garbage food, poor exercise, bad habits like drinking and smoking?

1 comment:

  1. So Dr Fred is a holistic doctor right? Do you know if insurance covers colonics?
