Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not as hungry as I used to be

I noticed that I am not as hungry as I was before I started this diet. In the past people would always make fun of me because I was always hungry. I mean Angry Hungry! I would have breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, dessert, and not get fat but always have an edge of hunger I was keeping at bay.

I worried about starting this diet because I thought I needed meat to stay full.  And frankly for the first few days I never had that FULL feeling that I was used to and liked. Now I feel like I am never FULL, but never really hungry either.  Why is that?

Last night I didn't itch - not like the night before - so that is progress, right? But the skin doesn't look any better in my opinion. Jitterbug on Inspire put up her week 8 progress so I am so stoked that she is making progress on what seems pretty simple if you think about it.  Eat better. Clean system.  She is about 5 weeks ahead of me.

I will put up daily pics as much as possible, because if someone else tries it and does not see results at first, I want them to know that it is ok.  The before and after pictures in Pagano's book are great but I would have like to have known more about the daily progress.

Food today:
1 cup of black coffee
1 cup of Elm Bark water

Mid morning
Smothie (banana, coconut milk, pair, Lecithin)

All day at work,
Saffron tea
lemon water
2 apples

Quinoa and brown rice with a whole avacado
Spinach salad with lemon

Sweet potato
Green salad

Before bed
More saffron tea
Yogurt with blueberries

No Rabbit ears yet.


  1. also could you please let me know what fruits are allowed to eat.
    is yogurt not dairy product?(or is yogurt allowed?)

  2. because according to Dr.Pagno's diet, he had mentioned no to citrus fruits...right ?

  3. Also Dr.Pagno's diet did not mention abt gluten free diet? Is this required? Ig you could answer my questions It would be very helpful.

  4. Hi! Gluten is an issue for enough people in my family that I decided to cut it out. Dr Pagano says to be careful with gluten because it may be a trigger. When I clear up I will start to add some stuff back to see how I do. Citris is allowed but you have to be careful with what you combine it with. Forget about orange chicken. :(
